Friday, July 17, 2020

Two songs that rekindled my love for Hard Rock.

I remember almost to the second when I was starting to get absolutely sick and tired of hearing the nauseating syncopated beats of disco blaring over my radio every time I tuned in it was in the mid to late 70s when I finally said enough is enough and decided to go strictly with the hard rock genre. I listened to a lot of hard rock up to that point, shit like Cream, Led Zeppelin, Kiss and the like, one day in late 1977 I walked into Pioneer Drug store in Newman California and began sifting through the LPs I came across two albums in particular that piqued my interest, it was Kansas's fourth album- I wasn't altogether familiar with them but recognized the name, and the other was a band I had never heard of before called Foreigner, The Kansas album was Leftoverture and the Foreigner album was their self-titled debut album. There were two tracks in particular that stood out to me, on the Kansas LP it was Carry On My Wayward Son, and on Foreigner's debut it was Feels Like The First Time, these two albums, these two songs would forever reignite my love of hard rock music, I never looked back. 


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